Summer is under way!

Its great to see a spell of weather that we can work around. There has been more high quality silage made to date than there was in the entire 2012 silage season. With the rise in temperatures predicted over the next few days grass growth should take off again shortly.

This has led to its own challenges with a burst of growth when temperatures rise and a slowdown when they fall. This makes grass management tricky and those decisions on when to take out a paddock for silage all the more difficult and important.

The general advice seems to be to keep an eye on the weather temperatures over the 5 to 7 day forecast and make your decisions as best you can from there.

Move as early as you can and get the bales off the land while the weather holds.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the rest of your enterprise during silage season! The obvious jobs such as feeding cattle and cows, ensuring that feed bins and houses are kept stocked, fencing and repairs should not suffer because the weather is good.

Remember to plan ahead for the next few weeks to make the most of any opportunity that summer weather brings.



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